lyrics : Red and Black - Vörös és Fekete [1997], aNALYSIS [2000], tHE sNOBS 1996-2000 [2004] |
Red and Black - Vörös és Fekete [1997], aNALYSIS [2000], tHE sNOBS 1996-2000 [2004]
The Sun is red the star black
In the brutal world there is a nice dawn
Nothing moves the battle stopped
And you find out what you want
Instead of weapons with a woman in bed
Away from the battle in the house at home
You do what you like
Red and Black star in the sky
Would preserve peace for you
Up above in the fancy chair
They decided they need a new war
Nothing moves the battle stopped
And you have seen your friend dead
The state is a murderer. It sent you to war
You could’ve lived nicely
The way it is good for you
Nothing moves the battle stopped
You’re getting ready for the next battle
Red and Black star in the sky
Against suffering
Rottening earth and dying life
The force machines are moving again
There will never be peace again
People fight till
The environment provides
Because there is no sense in those heads
Only sadistic things exist